Day One of the Audio Book

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

Not knowing what to expect today (except for little girl giddiness because I am recording at The Village in West LA where all of my musical heroes have recorded for …

Audio Book

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

So, this week I get to record my audio book. I’ll be at the Village Studios which is a really cool place. Everyone who is anyone in music has recorded …

Circle of Seven

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

I just spent the last half hour reading my posts here from 2007. 2007! The year before my dad died and everything changed for me. In some ways, it feels …

Human Perfection

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

From my essay, “Human Perfection” from episode#73 of my podcast Waking from the American Dream. Perfectionism kills.It kills dreams. It kills adventures. It kills the joyful participation in life. Hell, …

The Map to Nowhere

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

About three years ago, I was knee deep in grief about my father’s death.  I was about six months into my new life without him, and I was feeling even …

My Favorite Books List

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

Today on Twitter, I connected with a new fan, @UltraLibIan, who listens to my podcast Waking from the American Dream, and wanted to know about the books I read. So, here’s a …