My Favorite Books List

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

Today on Twitter, I connected with a new fan, @UltraLibIan, who listens to my podcast Waking from the American Dream, and wanted to know about the books I read. So, here’s a …

Year Three

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

Today is the third anniversary of my dad’s death. In some ways, it feels like I have just begun the grieving process. I’ve been so busy learning how to be …

Limelight Fears

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

Last night I shared the stage with my father at the Actor Gang’s WTF? Festival. I screened by dad’s favorite of his HBO specials, “Jammin’ in NY,” and then read …

More Fun With Busting Fears

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

This week was a lot mellower than last week. But got some shit done. I finished all the accounting reconciliation finally. I am seeing my fear around money more and …