Kelly CarlinUncategorised

I have NEVER been the girly girl. I feel like I did not get the proper training from my own mother for that task, and I was not one who …

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

Last night I nestled into my couch to turn on the TV to one of my favorite films, Like Water for Chocolate. Here is a moment that made me sit …

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

I realize now that I have been pouting in the corner about finishing the Elizabeth Gilbert Book Eat, Pray, Love, because I well I just haven’t felt like writing since …

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

What I really wanted to write about was how all my bitter, droopy, and very unshiny parts have come out to play the last week, and how I don’t want …

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

shame shame shame That is what my mind kept circling around these four days because I did not connect to this space. Instead of owning this space as mine, I …

Kelly CarlinUncategorised

So it is 7-7-07 today. Never will it be this again. That sounds a bit dramatic, but there is something to say about really acknowledging the weight of any one …